Binge #13 and on Having Energy


It’s that time of the week again!

I thought I’d share something…it’s about having more energy daily.

Remember I made the promise to do my workouts at least 3 times a week?

One of the effects, apart from feeling tighter and stronger, is that now, I feel awake with more energy then I did with just the Slow Card Diet.

It’s a reminder of a simple lesson really: A little bit of exercise, not only helps burn more fat, but gives you more daily energy as well.

If you haven’t heard or read about it already, I’d like to share the example used by Tim Ferris:

Sir Richard Branson, that famous UK Entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin empire, was asked by a whole group of executives ,” What’s the best way to increase productivity?”. Richard thought for awhile, and said ,” Exercise. It gives me an extra four hours of productivity a day.”


3rd April 2011


Mcdonalds, Breakfast Deluxe + Hash Browns + Original Minute Maid Orange Juice
Grapefruit Juice


Prawn Aglio Olio + Garlic Bread + 100plus
World’s Fastest Workout + 50 swings


Pizza Hut,  Personal Pan Meat Galore (free!)


Mee Goreng + Luncheon Meat + Egg
Haagan Daz’s Rum & Raisin + Belgian Chocolate Ice Cream (1 scoop each),
Hyuganatsu Orange Ice Cream

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