PAGG Stack – Packaged or DIY? Pareto Nutrition’s PAGG Stack Reviewed



(Note that and Pareto Nutrition are the same)

I was amazed when I first saw Pareto Nutrition’s PAGG supplement stack.

No..not because someone made a PAGG stack. I was kinda expecting it. Lots of enterprising people nowadays.

I was amazed at how quickly they launched! It was barely a month and *poof!* here it is!

I was actually looking forward to a very easy and convenient way to practice the PAGG concept. It’s not really a psycological concern of taking less pills, but more of a practical one. It’s a manageable hassle to take 4-7 pills a meal for everyday life, but when my friends and I were planning an overseas trip, my mind kinda went, “…..oh..”

Now, even though swallowing 4-7 pills at one go is fine with me, why would I complain if I can get the same benefits in 1 instead?

That said, my main concern for packaged products like this was cost, for 2 reasons:

1. OEM Manufacturing.

I’ve been poking around the nutritional industry long enough to know that more than half the brands out there are made by a handful of people, with a select few who manufacture their own items, like Usana and Now Foods. This means that most brands, though priced differently, are actually the same.

2. Packaging and Branding.

This is a little tricky. It’s both a good thing and a bad thing. Good in that it looks good while information and stock is readily available. Bad because..there’s always a premium. Some fad-ish weight loss products are examples of this.

As you can already tell from my articles, I’m a huge proponent of value and making sure that you don’t pay more than what you actually need.


Cost US$

I’ve calculated my monthly expenditure on the PAGG supplement stack to be about $70 per month, buying each component individually. How does that compare to Pareto’s solution? Let’s see…

1 Month Supply – $97
2 Month Supply – $153 or $76.50/mth
3 Month Supply
– $197 or $65.67/mth
6 Month Supply
– $348 or $58/mth

If you get 2 months or more, you get free shipping worldwide including US, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore, etc.

I guess the above speaks for itself.  Bear in mind that Pareto’s PAGG supplement stack also includes Biotin, a form of Vitamin-B Complex, which was recommended by Tim to be consumed with PAGG.

So, short of adding the extra recommended drinks of water into the stack, everything’s optimal in its formula.

It would certainly make sense if you get at least 2 months worth of supplies at a go, taking the extra $7/mth sorta like a ‘convenience charge’. It’ll make more sense to get 3 month supply as it’s cheaper cost as buying them seperately, and it comes with a whole world of convenience attached to it. The 3 month supply would be my ideal choice if I didn’t want to spend too much at one go, yet want the best value possible.


A picture I took to show the difference. This is for a 5 day supply. Guess which method is more convenient? :


Other factors that helpPharmaceutical Grade GMP, Proactiveness Relevance and Fantastic Customer Service

Supplements from Pharmaceutical GMP plants, are held to the same strict standards as medicine, where a slight deviation could mean complications or worst, death. So, it’s said to have 1mg, it must be tested to have 1mg. Pareto Nutrition’s PAGG supplement stack is manufactured to Pharmaceutical GMP requirements.

Tim made a typo mistake in his book about PAGG, which he later rectified in a blog post. Pareto not only updated their formula to reflect the change, but they improved on it as well, like using natural and expensive R-ALA instead of the synthetic S-ALA and Policosanol that’s derived from Olive Leaves.

For customer service, what happened was one very helpful but misinformed staff wanted to organise some stocks in the warehouse, but that resulted in the wrong bottles being sent out. Pareto Nutrition promptly apologised for the error and sent out new ones, without asking for the old one back, even before the original orders reached most of the people and was aware of the difference!

Talk about customer service!

In summary:

  • Affordable – Similar, if not cheaper, than the standard approach
  • Super Convenient – Great for everyday and travel use
  • High Quality – Right amounts of high quality ingredients
  • Relevant – Always updated and improving
  • Safe – Strict Pharmaceutical Grade GMP

So, while there’s iHerb and Amazon for everything else, getting Pareto Nutrition’s PAGG Stack is a no brainer. It’s high quality PAGG made easy, convenient and affordable, and if you order 2 months or more, you get free delivery to the US, UK, Canada, Singapore, Australia…worldwide!


Click here to get Pareto Nutrition’s PAGG Stack
 Free Worldwide Delivery with Minimum 2 Month Supply 

Remember to supplement your PAGG Stack with some powerful greens supplements. I like Athletic Greens, but I can’t get it because I’m from Singapore. Click on my article ‘ Top 3 Athletic Greens Alternatives ‘ to learn more


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  1. Wayne says

    Has there been any independent study into the actual contents of these stacks? It would seem to me that since the manufacturers can't even get the labeling, ingredients, or dosages correct, there might be a few more fundamental inconsistencies too.

    1. Aaron says

      I’m not worried about the manufacturers…especially Pharmaceutical GMP ones as they are held to the same standards as medicinal manufacturing. In laymen’s terms, products that come out from Pharmaceutical GMP facilities must be tested to have exactly the same amount of stuff as sated on their labels. If it states 100mcg, it must be tested to 100mcg. I believe they do their job and fulfill orders to the letter

      The problem now is the people who are making orders. If they make wrong interpretations of the information, that’s when wrong amounts of ingredients occur.

      I go into this in detail in my post : PAGG Stack – Review and Comparison.

      But at the end of it, I feel the safest and most accurate solution would be to do it yourself (amazon, bodybuilding, etc), if you don’t mind the hassle, or get pareto’s solution, which I have shown to be just as affordable, accurate and much more convenient

  2. Katy says

    Is there a physical store where you can buy this stack in Singapore?  

    1. Aaron says

      No there isn’t, and you wouldn’t want to anyway because it would be ridiculously expensive.

      Trust me, I’ve done the research.

      You can buy the products seperately, but the ALA alone is already $50 -$120+ for a small bottle, and you can’t find policosonal in Singapore, for some strange reason. 

      It’s cheaper to buy a 2 months supply direct from pareto, not to mention, much more convenient. If it’s because you don’t want to wait, you can always start with the slow carb diet first, then use the stack later, and that’s the most important thing anyway

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